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Chamber music

Oh! (2004) 6'

5 interludes for 4 flutes
Bohm Quartet
Festival of Yekaterinburg (October 2004)

Ups and Downs(1991) 15'

For oboe (also englishhorn), clarinet in b flat and string trio
2E2M, Schreyahn, Paul Méfano

Quintet(1991) 13'

For woodwind quintet
Zigzag Company, Jean-Marie Adrien Radio France, Paris

Quintet “Luftbrücken”(1989) 15'

For clarinet in b flat and string quartet
Oriol Ensemble, Gudni Franzson BKA, Berlin
Commissioned by the Cultur Senat of Berlin

Kreuz und Quer(1998) 15'

For flute, clarinet, piano, violin and cello
2E2M October 1998, Paris
Commissioned by the French Culture Ministry

Zig Zag II(2004) 8'

For flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola and cello
Ensemble “Modern times” Fabrice Pierre Avignon, Lyon

Zig Zag III(2008) 8'

For flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola and cello
Ensemble XXI, Dominique Dournod, Auxerre, Dijon, Paris
Commissioned by the Ensemble XXI

Interludes(2008) 8'

For string quartet
Manfred Quartet

Quartet No. 1 (2011) 25'

For string quartet
Parisii Quartet
Antonin Artaud Room

Quartet n° 2“Fold unfold” (2013) 15'

Bela Quartet
Lyon Biennial

Ein und Aus(1994) 7'

For 2 clarinets in b flat and string trio
Zigzag Company, Rome, Italy
Ed. Ricordi

Ein und Aus (1995) 7'

Version for flute, clarinet and string trio
Prism Set
Schreyahn 1995

Face to Face(1994) 10'

For 3 clarinets in a (1st also in E flat, 3th also bass clarinet) 
and string threesome
Ensemble Tm+, theater conservatory, Paris
Laurent Cuniot Ed. Ricordi

Pele-Mêle(1998) 10'

For clarinet in a (also bass clarinet), guitar, synthesizer
and string threesome
The Route, Mark Foster IRCAM, Paris

Pêle-Mêle(long version of 2004) 60'

For Oboe, clarinet, trumpet, guitar, synthesizer, percussion,
violin, viola, cello, double bass and cd player
Commissioned by the French Culture Ministry and Radio-France
Ensemble Sillage, Hélène Bouchez, Nizza, Brest Perpignan
Together Adventure, Thomas Hummel, Freiburg, Bremen.

Place I(2007) 45'

For flute, clarinet, saxophone, guitar, percussion, piano and string trio
Ensemble Cairn, Guillaume Bourgogne, Royaumont (September 2007)
Commissioned by the French Culture Ministry

Place II(2004) 20'

For contrabasclarinet (and a clarinet), contrabas, sopransaxophon,oboe d'amore and CD player
Kammerensemble for Neue Musik Berlin
Berlin Akademie der Künste (December 2004)

Plötzlich(1994) 10'

For oboe (also englishhorn), 2 clarinets in a (1rst also small clarinet in Eflat, 2d. also bass clarinet), fisharmonica, piano, percussion, cello and double bass)
The Route, Pascal Rophé, Center Pompidou, Paris
Ed. Ricordi

Tohu-Bohu(1993) 10'

For solo flute, englishhorn, clarinet, synthesizer, percussion
and string quintet
The Itinerary, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Alain Louvier
Center Pompidou, Paris

Gezeiten (1993) 10'

For flute (also piccolo), oboe (also englishhorn), clarinet
in b flat (also bass clarinet), bassoon (also contrabassoon), trombone, percussion and string quintet
Musica Viva, Dresden, Jürgen Wirrmann
Commissioned by the Musica Viva festival Ed. Jobert

Zoom (1993) 10'

For flute (also piccolo), oboe, clarinet in b (also bass clarinet),
Bassoon (also contrabassoon), french horn, synthesizer,
Percussion and string quintet
2E2M, Paul Méfano Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon

Reminiscences of the Ground(1989) 15'

For flute (also piccolo and alto flute), oboe, clarinet in b flat
(also bass clarinet), bassoon, french horn and string quintet
Kammerensemble Paris. Gennevilliers

Point to the line(1989) 15'

For piano solo, flute (also piccolo), oboe, clarinet in b
(also clarinet in E flat), bass clarinet, bassoon, french horn,
trumpet in C, trombone, percussion and string quintet
2E2M, Radio France, Jeffrey Burns, Paul Méfano

Place V(2007) 12'

For flute, oboe d'amore, A clarinet, bass-clarinet,
contrabassoon, saxophone and fisharmonica
2E2M, CNR of Paris, Pierre Roullier

Utopia/Topology(2008) 15'

For flute, oboe d'amore, contrabass-clarinet,
piano, percussion, viola and cello
Ensemble Linea, Jean-Philippe Wurtz
Commission of Ensemble Linea
First performance by Court Circuit
Paris Regional Conservatory

Volley(2011) 6'

For woodwind quintet
The Impromptu Concert
Commissioned by the Ivry Workshop


For bass flute, alto saxophone
piano and percussion
Together the Imaginary, Strasbourg

Who plays what?(2014) 6'

For alto saxophone and accordion
Philippe Koerper, Marie Andrée Joerger
Freiburg High School for Music
Commissioned by Marie Andrée Joerger

La manovella(2019) 7'

For alto saxophone and accordion
Philippe Koerper, Marie Andrée Joerger
Freiburg High School for Music
Commissioned by Marie Andrée Joerger

3 3 2(2014) 1'30''

For saxophone quartet
Saxophon quartet of the
Conservatory of Aulnay-sous-Bois
Saxophone meetings
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